This both taught me some tactics and reinforced what tactics I've been using. Thanks for taking the time to write this!

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I'm glad to hear that. this is all pretty new to me. what tactics have you been using?

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the biggest "under pressure" environment I've been in so far, since starting our project/company, is live AMA X Spaces.

Storytelling: Telling the story of how we went from searching for an idea, to discovering it, to enacting it... but making sure that story is concise and doesn't wander (hard for me not to do when speaking). Projecting confidence and belief in the project, while not exaggerating or inflating.

Pressure: Being prepared for hard questions, or outright attempts to catch you in some kind of mislead or lie in an AMA... easy to handle if you're the kind of person who tells the truth. Can be difficult not to get angry about though, if you're like me. For me my tactic there was give the person a few chances to withdraw or cease there accusations/fishing, then if necessary dismantle their claim thoroughly.

Empathy: Being understanding of those that may feel letdown by the speed of development, or down on their investment. Being self deprecating while maintaining the air of "I know what I'm doing, even if there was an error or slip-up"

Practicing: I write down everything I want to say in the AMA, like an intro or update to what we've been doing, then open the floor to the AMA. And giving time for people to come in and out of the spaces, saving tidbits for those lulls when there isn't someone raising their hand, but always ready for someone new to enter w a new question.

The first spaces was the hardest... that first "oh shit, I guess im really doing this, I hope I don't screw this up". But we're 6 spaces in now & it's become fun. And I learn a ton every time I step up to that microphone.

Lots to read but hope theres some helpful parts in there!

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Nice Amir

Thinking out of the box - or thinking right brain instead of left brain

I'm a musician

There are a some interesting analogs between small instrumental groups and small development groups.

Just gave me an idea for next week's newsletter - I'll give you credit


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that's great Danny. I'm excited to read your new piece.

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